Creating disruption that drives business results.

Creating disruption that drives business results.


Creative executive with a digital and entrepreneurial heartbeat.




I'm a multidisciplinary creative executive with a digital and entrepreneurial heartbeat from Germany.


Throughout my career, I have had the pleasure to work for well-known agencies such as Scholz & Friends, Jung von Matt, Kolle Rebbe, and Serviceplan.


I founded a SaaS startup, developed concepts and ventures for brands such as Porsche, Continental, Lufthansa, Saturn, Coca-Cola, Leibniz and more.


Currently, I’m working as a Chief Innovation Officer with the talented team at I manage budgets, lead teams, consult company leaders, and thrive on disruption to drive business.









A new king is born: the customer.

Customer-centricity isn’t new, but it’s becoming increasingly important in a world that’s getting more and more connected. Holistic customer experience is neither a pure marketing nor a product-related topic – it infects the entire business. Companies that understand that thrive, others disappear.










Creative Direction Product Development Business Strategy - Advertising Design Business Development Communication Strategies Brand Management Brand Development Media Consulting Interaction Design UX/UI Design Prototyping Campaign Planning Online Marketing UCD Digital Strategy Growth Hacking Interdisciplinary thinking Digital Transformation Service Design Project Management Leadership





Baden-Württemberg Bosch Boston Consulting Group Bild BMW Coca Cola Continental AG Das Handwerk Deutsche Bahn Deutsche Post DZ Bank Edeka Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GOD – IT Sourcing HAKA Kunz Haspa Heinz von Heiden Massivhäuser Kingdom of Sports Leibniz Lufthansa Mattel Mercedes-Benz Metro Cash & Carry MHP – A Porsche Company NUK Pick up! Pirate Party Porsche AG Regina Kamillenpapier RWE Samova Saturn Sennheiser Softis














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© 2020 Andrej Krahne  |  Imprint


Creating disruption that drives business results.



Creative executive with a
digital and entrepreneurial heartbeat.


